One Game A Month: Update
I just wanted to add an update since I havn't updated on my progress in awhile. I have been working on games each month since February, but the games have either not been complete enough or I havn't had the time to ulpoad them and then forget about it later. With each month I was running out of time likely from trying to make something too ambitous to be done in the time I had and that time starts to run into the next month. So as the unfinished games started to pile up I started to get overwhelemed because I wanted to go back and work on some I didn't finish, my knight game in particular. There is some good news, I got accepted into the internship for Flash Developer at the Department of National Defense. I'm looking forward to that and really happy that I got accepted into the program. I hope to get back into one game a month again later on but I don't think I will ahve time while I am working there doing Flash Development.